Monday, July 25, 2011


The corn is ready!200+ ears of corn
Not sure how many 2 cup bags in the freezer.
The raccoons visited the corn over the weekend so no more corn for this year. They completely clean it out.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Pictures of the Twins born 7-7.Picture of the heard.

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 4th bull calf

This is the first calf that needed some assistant being born. He seems to be doing just fine now. I'm not sure how we got a brown calf but he is easy to spot around all the black ones.
Pictures of the twin calves born last night coming soon!

Friday, July 1, 2011

2nd bull calf

#5 - Bull calf 6/29/11

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bull Calf born 6/26/11

Lucky 13's first calf (bull) born Sunday morning 6/26/11.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

pond & hostas

Pond. If you look close you can see the fish. If you have really good eye site you can see all the tadpoles. O.K. Maybe you can't see the tadpoles but I know they are in there.hostas


Rock house with Iris. Canna's are planted in the box.Strawberries

more flowers

Peonies ready to bloom.Front side garden.


JD baler

BulletNew JD baler.

Iris Garden

Iris in bloom.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Slowly seeing some signs of Spring.

Daffodils almost ready to bloom.TomTom sunny himself on the porch.
More daffodils.
Front garden
Iris bed
Soon to be new garden spot. Yes, Bullet thought I was out to take his picture.
Potatoes planted! Bullet's teddy bear in the yard.

Garden around the porch already weeded.
More work to do here. And Bullet again.
New garden coming soon. Anyone have some ideas?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Farm Animals

A couple photos of the farm animals.

Jeff's farm dog Bullet.

This is LT (Lucky Tom) our outside stray cat that has no problem making himself comfortable inside too.